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The Find It Early Act


The Find It Early Act (H.R. 3086) will ensure that women never have to compromise their health because they cannot afford the right breast cancer screening. Download our fact sheet to see how this legislation could eliminate cost barriers to earlier breast cancer diagnosis.


What’s the problem?

The denser your breasts, the higher your risk of developing breast cancer 22, AND the less likely mammography alone will detect it 21. For women facing higher risk due to breast density, additional screening is needed, but often not covered by insurance, leaving millions of women at risk for later stage diagnosis.

What’s the solution?

The Find It Early Act was introduced in December of 2022 by Congresswoman Rosa DeLauro (CT) and Congressman Brian Fitzpatrick (PA), calling for insurance coverage for mammograms and diagnostic mammograms as well as additional screening for women with dense breasts and other risk factors, with no cost sharing.

How can you help?

Urge your congressperson to co-sponsor the bill by following 4 simple steps:

Step #1. Click
Step #2. Enter your current address, then choose the representative(s) you would like to reach.
Step #3. Fill in the form:

  • Title: Please co-sponsor the Find It Early Act
  • Message: Copy and paste the suggested message (CLICK TO VIEW) into the form. Leave it as-is, or change it as you see fit. Better yet, write your own story explaining why this bill is important to you and those you love.
  • Topics: Health or Women’s Issues

Step #4. Click Send!

 By taking five minutes to draw attention to this crucial legislation, YOU can make a difference for millions of women!

Women with various density