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Beverly, Chicago (IL)

Community Outreach Program


Beverly has one of the highest rates of late-stage breast cancer diagnosis in all of Chicago.

The breast cancer diagnosis is 5th highest of all Chicago communities.

My Density MattersAmbassador, Beverly IL

Gina Curry, MPH MBA

Mi densidad importa
Ambassador, Beverly IL

Did you know that breast density is a significant risk factor for developing breast cancer?

My Density Matters is on a mission to empower women of Beverly, IL, to find out their breast density and take control of their breast cancer screening.

Cuanto más densos breasts are, the
higher the risk of
breast cancer.

Una mamografía no detectará
más del 50% of
cancers in dense breasts.

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The Beverly Check Your Chart Campaign

You can find out your breast density by reading your mammogram report through your online portal (often called MyChart).


If you have dense breasts, mammography alone is not enough for you. Contact your doctor to discuss additional breast cancer screening.


How to attend a twitter chat?

Learn more here.

Women with various density