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A day for many voices to come together in order to inform and educate women worldwide about the implications of breast density and to inspire action. Each hour of this 3rd annual global event highlighted different topics, health equity concerns, and value-based action initiatives to the benefit of women everywhere. We used the hashtag #DensityTime because it is time for more women with breast cancer to become survivors.
Everyone’s participation in the day touched the hearts of all of us here at My Density Matters, and these quotes exemplified our message:

‘Don’t be dense about your breast density.’ – Robin Roth MD via Twitter @boobiedocs

‘If you have dense breasts, then know this, not many people are looking out for you! You must self advocate.’ – Auds via Twitter

‘…educating, equipping, and empowering myself and my girls will help us make informed health and medical decisions.’ – Ashley via Instagram

‘Not only will I schedule my annual mammogram today, but I will call 5 friends and encourage them to do likewise.’ – Carmen via LinkedIn

‘Thank you for highlighting this important issue. As a breast imaging technologist who gathers with women often, I’m learning that women will lean in more to discuss breast health when prompted by another person. My hope is it becomes part of our conversation when we connect with one another.’ – Karen via Facebook

2023 Video Collection

Collaborating with partners globally
to empower women ALL over the world
