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Medical Advisors

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Dr. Barry Rosen, M.D.

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Dr. Randy Miles, M.D.

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Dr. Stacy Smith-Foley, M.D.

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Dr. Nila Alsheik, M.D.

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Dr. Julie Dohr, M.D.

Dr. Barry Rosen

“The mission of My Density Matters is so important to me because it is increasingly frustrating to see women diagnosed with breast cancer, who, in retrospect, could have been diagnosed a year or two earlier, if only they had supplemental imaging beyond mammography because their breast tissue was dense.”

Dr. Barry Rosen, M.D.

Medical Director, Cancer Prevention Program and Breast Center, Advocate Good Shepherd Hospital in Barrington; Medical Director, Aptitude Health – Targeted Medical Education; CMO, ClearCut Medical


“It’s important to educate women and men because anyone who knows about breast density can share with their mothers and sisters.”

Dr. Kirti Kulkarni, M.D. 

Breast Radiologist and Associate Professor of Radiology, University of Chicago. She also serves as Vice Chair for Communications and Director of the Breast Imaging Fellowship program at the University of Chicago. She is board-certified in Diagnostic Radiology and fellowship trained in breast and abdominal imaging.

Dr. Randy Miles

“Contrast enhanced mammography is really going to help us detect breast cancer in dense breast tissue. If there is cancer that’s hiding, we’ll see it pretty much light up and stand out from the background.”

Dr. Randy Miles, M.D. 

Chief of Breast Imaging at Denver Health Dr. Miles serves as the Chief of Breast Imaging at Denver Health with oversight over the breast division’s clinical, research, and educational programs. He also serves as the Associate Director for Research in the Radiology Department.

Dr. Stacy Smith-Foley

“My Density Matters fully aligns with the work that I’ve been doing for many years, the work that helps educate and empower women to take better care of themselves.”

Dr. Stacy Smith-Foley, M.D.

Dr. Stacy Smith-Foley, a breast radiologist with nearly two decades of experience, uses her knowledge and multiple platforms to raise awareness about something that had concerned her for years: the cancer risk for women with dense breasts.


“This movement really aligns with my values of just being honest with women, being transparent with women about the limitations of our technology and how we can better serve that patient by offering them additional tests.”

Dr. Nila Alsheik, M.D.

Chair, Breast Imaging and Imaging Research, Advocate Aurora Health Care
Section Chief, Division of Breast Imaging, Advocate Lutheran General Hospital Caldwell Breast Center


“Breast cancer is a very prevalent disease and the earliest that you can catch it, obviously the best chance that the patient has for a normal life without having excessive treatment and a morbidity.”

Dr. Dohr is the director of Ultrasound services at Novas, Dohr, Coll & Gadson Ob/Gyn Associates & Medical Spa, which is accredited by AIUM.

Dr. Dohr received her medical degree from The University of Wisconsin, and graduated with high honors. She trained at The University of Chicago, one of the top residency programs in the country. Her undergraduate degree is from Purdue University.

Women with various density